CountEasy weighing scale money counter
CountEasy weighing scale money counter
Product Code: COUNTEASY
Status: Low Stock

    Click here for instructions on how to update your CountEasy to accept the new £50 polymer notes

  • LESS Handling - Six times faster than counting by hand, reducing time wasted counting cash
  • FEWER Mistakes - Provides 100% accurate counts first time, every time, eliminating errors
  • LESS Downtime - Fast counts mean less downtime during normal trading and shift changes
  • LESS Shrink - Increases accountability and reduces the opportunity for cash loss

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    Click here for instructions on how to update your CountEasy to accept the new £50 polymer notes

  • LESS Handling - Six times faster than counting by hand, reducing time wasted counting cash
  • FEWER Mistakes - Provides 100% accurate counts first time, every time, eliminating errors
  • LESS Downtime - Fast counts mean less downtime during normal trading and shift changes
  • LESS Shrink - Increases accountability and reduces the opportunity for cash loss

Product Data Sheets

£20 Polymer update instructions
